Friday, March 19, 2010

For the love of man kind

I am now ready to move forward and be apart of something greater than myself.

I just went on my first 'real' job interview. Too bad for me the hrs really suck! Hopefully the position will still be open when I graduate...or maybe better opportunities will arise! I am ready to make work that actually means something. It really sucks because I feel like, just recently, That I've finally found my swag in the world of photography. Its like just this last year I've developed this greatness that is too good to hoard to myself. I must share it.
I wish that it didn't take me this long to find my inner artist. My mark. However, I am quite relieved because I never thought that I would. I've been working on a series called "What a Life We Could Have". This will be my final BFA show! I'm super pumped about it because I feel like this is my first body of work that has potential and it holds a huge sentimental value to me. (More info to come closer to the show.)
Now, some worries that I have inside of me... I am freaking out because I only have 6 weeks of school left!

1. I haven't even started on my independent study work. I am suppose to have 6-9 successful gum prints by the semester and I haven't even started- nor have I even ever printed in gum! YIKES! However, there is some potential in these prints! I'm so excited about them!

2. I don't have a real job yet. God willing, it will be about creating work, not sitting at an ol 9-5 job I can't enjoy and take pride in.

3. I just recently started working out...and my body hurts!

Well, that is all! I will end on the happiest note of the week:

MARY IS HAVING A BOY!!! yay for mama mern!

<33 Apes

Monday, March 15, 2010

Behide These Walls

So here is one of my recent photos
<3 Apes

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Goodbye American Idol I though American Idol actually had potential this yr, but they just eliminated my top favorite boy (Alex Lambert) and girl (Lilly Scott) . This show is useless.

Goodbye AI